
The Somba K’e Paddling Club is fully transparent and accountable to our membership. To access our current bylaws please see below.


Safe Sport Policy Manual

Safe Sport – Open and Observable Poster – Rowing

Safe Sport – Support Services – Rowing

Safe Sport – Complaints Resolution Officer’s Process – Rowing

SKPC By-Laws

Board of Directors

Wanted: new paddlers to join our amazing team on the SKPC board. Make a splash this year and contribute your skills, talents and energy to help us take this club to the next level. Plus, you’ll have a lot of fun!

Zack – President (Canoe/Kayak)


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Lauren – Vice-President (Rowing)


Lauren joined the SKPC in 2020 after moving from Ottawa. Lauren is an avid rower and aficionado for all water sports. She is also the SKPC’s rowing coach and abides by the belief that the single most important feature of a rower is their desire to row.

Oliver – Treasurer (Canoe/Kayak)



Oliver is an avid paddler who was born and raised in Yellowknife. He has previously been certified as an instructor for intermediate lake canoeing, introductory sea kayaking and introductory whitewater canoeing. Oliver loves canoeing so much he even built his own canoe when he was 19. A cedar strip prospector named Vesper.

Kevin – Director (Kayak)


Kevin grew up in Newfoundland and moved to Yellowknife in 2012. Despite growing up around water, he only got into paddling over the past few years, and is especially drawn to whitewater kayaking.

Nicole – Director (Canoe)

Nick – Director (Canoe/Kayak)
